Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This is a label design that we created to go with a beer that was submitted to a homebrew contest last night at Binny's in Willowbrook. No victory, but still cool in my opinion. Not sure I'm a huge fan of competitions. Now had I won, i'm sure i would not be saying this. But overall, how do you pick the single best beer out of 80 choices? Of course a simple, solid pale ale is not going to make the cut. So maybe there are competitions that are more geared towards styles, and if so, I wouldn't mind getting involved in that. Ultimately I started brewing to make beer that I enjoy and that my friends and family enjoy, not to win competitions but it was cool to see that there are plenty other beer geeks that are a part of this underworld called homebrewing. and its no longer an underworld. thank God that craft beer is really finding its place in our country.